Monday, June 29, 2020

These are all the pieces I have done this year. Strange although I have found this year weird  and so stressful I do not see myself taking me out of that comfort zone. Very interesting.
Piece below  was donated to Rose Casey who's daughter Jennifer passed away in the Snowbirds crash in Kamloops.  I was honoured to have Rose except my piece "Inspiration"    The white Flowers are Jennifer who perished in the crash and the other one is Richard McDougall who was the pilot who was injured while being ejected from the craft. the other flowers represent all the Snowbirds on that flight that day as well as Jennifer and Richard. 


     "Chris Journey"

   "Feeling the Blues"


Friday, February 14, 2020

CBC Kamloops January 31 at 8:00 AM · When four women get together and discuss art and their disgust for the grit and grime of winter -- It culminates in a lively show of emotion and color. Check out some of the pieces from the latest exhibition at Gallery 635 in Kamloops.